Free Education For Africans, Connecting the Diaspora and the African Continent through education.

Free Education For Africans, Connecting the Diaspora and the African Continent through education.

Beginning May 26, AU6 ( Region 6),  will begin a program to tutor and assist the people of the African continent with free education programs. These programs provide a wide range of studies from computer programming, economics to sustainable development. These programs provide individuals with the tools to form groups and meetings online and in person depending on your geographical location. These programs will be given through open source and a certificate of completion will be given to those who complete the course.

The tutors will be other Africans from around the world. The classes with be in open sessions. Groups will also be formed where students will form virtual classrooms in groups of 6. The members who finish the courses will be given a certificate of completions of the course and the certificate will verify that the student has become knowledgeable in the area of political, economical or social dimension for the development of Africa and its Diaspora.

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